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Ideas from a basement.
My modding has pretty much stopped right now. http://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/308807
Critical Hit System
Explosions, in space?
Published on April 3, 2008 By
Sins Modding
---->Obligatory Wall of Text Warning<----
Hi, over the past couple weeks I've been slowly trying to flesh out a combat mod for SoaSE. To me the RTS standard "shoot unit X until HP == 0 and dies" is a little dated. I'm a big fan of Company of Heroes; and I know Frogboy is too thanks to the GFW podcast. I was looking for a way to add the variety of a CoH style critical hit system to SoaSE. For those of you unfamiliar with CoH it works this way. The units in CoH have a health pool. As that pool goes down the unit has an increasing chance of incurring a critical hit when it receives damage. The occurrence of a critical hit can do a number of things. For instance it can kill member of the squad, destroy the gun on a vehicle or finally destroy the squad/vehicle. Units in the game can only be killed on a critical hit but, once the unit's health is low it is very likely to happen. If your unit survives the fight it can then be repaired or healed/reinforced back to full health.
I feel a system like this applied to SoaSE would make combat vastly more interesting to experience. After fishing around the game files for a few days though, I realized there's no way I'd be able to add everything I'm envisioning. So in a desperate attempt for some community and hopefully developer attention I thought I'd share what I've been thinking about. Please keep in mind I just want a better game like the rest of you.
Down to the guts. The jist of the combat system I'd like to see implemented is very similar to CoH. Each shot would have a small chance to apply a critical hit to the unit receiving damage. In turn each critical hit has the ability, inversely related to the unit's HP/SP, to apply an effect. In other words the chance of a critical hit applying an effect at full HP/SP would be very near 0%. As the unit recieves damage the chance of an effect would scale upward; more so at the lower HP/SP levels. The chance for a shot to apply a critical hit would also have to be balanced on a per-ship basis due to differences in rate of fire. This would be to prevent ships with a high rate of fire from getting more criticals than slower firing ships. Certain critical hits would have a small front loaded chance of occurring; like shield criticals. Others would have a greater chance of occurring when a unit's HP/SP are low. For instance, the criticals that result in the death of a unit would only happen
somewhat sparingly
starting at X percent of total health. Their occurrance would then scale up as the unit approaches zero health. Units would only be killable on a critical hit. Also to help reinforced the idea of balanced fleets, I'd propose certain weapon types having slightly higher critical rates versus certain armor types. For example: Anti-Light weapons would have a higher critical hit rate vs Light Armor.
I'll now list and describe critical hits I've thought of for this game. Feel free to skip them. They're just ideas I've been brainstorming for my probably vaporware mod, but I think a few are neat.
The partial loss abilities would occur to a unit above X% of HP/SP, while the complete loss ones would occur to a unit below X% of HP/SP. They would both be on short timers.
I have divided critical hit effects into six categories:
Anti-matter Implosion
Capital ship only
-Very, very rare (Like, single pretty/funny girl who likes videogames/cooking/cleaning rare)
-Creates a temporary small black hole that sucks in all sub-capital class ships in a certain radius below X% health.
-Units above X% health and within the radius will have a DOT effect applied to them while the blackhole is active.
Anti-Matter Leak
-Anti-matter around the ship reacts, bathing it in plasma
-Causes hull and/or shield damage
Complete loss in anti-matter regeneration
Partial loss in anti-matter regeneration
Would be on a timer.
Temporary Loss of use of abilities
Also timed.
Engine Core Damage
-Reduction in effectiveness of all other systems
-Ability cool downs increased
Engine Overload
-Ship accelerates randomly at a velocity greater than normal
-After a short time the engines overload and the ship explodes violently, dealing damage to the immediate area.
Loss of linear speed
Reduction of linear speed
Temporary inability to phase jump
Think of this as spellcast knockback but on the phase jump.
-Would have a maximum delay time to eliminate chaining.
Emergency Management System Failure
-Greatly increases the chance of *Catastrophic Systems Failure(down further)
-I see this ability not happening atleast until the unit is below around 25% health.
+Uncanny Construction
Ship regenerates X amount of health over Y amount of time.
Weakened Armor
-Ship's armor value decreased
Bridge Crew Killed
-Command controls on the ship randomly blew up upon ship receiving fire.
inoperable while stations are being re manned.
-It's going to happen on spaceships, Star Trek proves it beyond any doubt.
Catastrophic Systems Failure
-Ship explodes at whatever health it's at currently
-Almost impossible at higher health but, chance of happening increases with hull damage. IE: Less than 10%
-Occurrence would be modified based on the cost of the ship. More expensive = less likely
Command and Control Failure
-Ship is temporarily unable to be controled by the player.
-Unit defaults to AI control patterns
-Effect triggers a timer and wears off afterwards
-Ship recieves a deathblow, continues to fight for X seconds then explodes
Deflectors Down
-Differs from Shielding
-Applies a slow temporary DOT on the ship as space debris slowly works away the hull
Life Support Failure
-Ship continues to fight normally
-Ship becomes useless space junk after X amount of time.
-Shield effects would be front loaded and happen toward the start of the fight or versus
targets with laden shield pools. Need to be modified to not unfairly punish Advent.
No shield regeneration
Reduced shield regeneration
Shield Overload
Ship's shields massively over energize causing them to expand very rapidly, generating an EMP pulse
-Deals EMP damage to surrounding area and leaves the effected ship with reduced shields.
Computer Damage
-Greatly reduced weapon accuracy
Disabled Weapon
-Main weapon
-Can happen to each bank of weapons on the ship
Reduced rate of fire
Weapon System Overload
-Ship starts to spin like a
gyroscope while firing its guns faster than normal
-Weapons fire damages friend or foe
-After a short period of time the ship explodes violently, dealing damage to the surrounding area
All of these effects would require an user interface adjustment in order to make the effects clearly distinguishable. I'd propose having some small pop-up text on screen when a critical happens, much like in CoH. One difference though; the text would be preceded by a slightly larger icon. This icon would allow immediate identification of what happened to the ship. My ideas for icons are:
*A rocket for an engine critical
*A bullet for a weapon critical
*A shield for a shield critical
*A plus sign for a hull critical
*An atom for an antimatter critical
*An exclamation point for a miscellaneous critical
These icons could also be used in the Empire Tree to help identify effected ships. I would also like to see the unit portrait be applied in a way that would show which part of the ship is effected. The unit portrait and mouse over text would specifically tell the player which parts of the ship are under duress and how they are effected.
On top of this critical hit system I would like to see a change in the mitigation system. IE: As you max out a ship's shield mitigation, it does less damage and/or moves slower. The reasons for this are that I see an individual ship only having so much power. It can go to weapons, propulsion or shielding. If one of these is being taxed heavily, the other two should suffer. I feel this change might add to the epic aura of fleet vs fleet battles. It would encourage against focus firing as the loss of a ship wouldn't be the only way to reduce the damage output of an opposing fleet. It would allow a player to spread their fleet's firepower around and effectively reduce the other fleet's damage output.
Anywho, this encompasses "my" ideas for combat changes. Once again, I believe the critical hit system and mitigation system would add a lot of variety and randomness to SoaSE combat. I really enjoy the game right now. I think something similar to these changes would make the game even better though. Hopefully all of this could be done without drastically raising system requirements.
Thanks for your time.
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Comments (Page 3)
4 Pages
Thomas Fife
on Apr 10, 2008
While I don't think a CoH-style system in particular was looked at during development, targetable and destroyable subsystems on ships was specifically rejected as it would add too much micromanagement.
In order to decrease micromanagement give ships crew skill points(let them handle it), the higher the points the less of a chance for catastrophy. Add more research subjects to increase skill points.
Add new dialog so whenever something happens you'll know quicker
This sounds like a good idea just needs some work and thought
on Apr 10, 2008
This sounds like a good idea just needs some work and thought
It's a rough draft
I primarily am just hoping a developer will read this and think: "Oh, that's a cool concept."
Planting seeds ftw.
on Apr 10, 2008
I like it, Sins combat is extremely boring and long to me, I'm so used to the quickness of Starcraft and the fun of Company of Heroes. I can't play Sins anymore till I find a decent mod of people changing around the combat to make it faster.
This though is one thing that would get me back into playing Sins, granted it doesn't speed up combat as these effects wouldn't happen till ships are almost dead anyway. But it does add something to the bland combat that I would definitely start to enjoy it again. And those critical system failures (the deathblow ones) I'm all for, as long as they do stay around the 10% HP mark, and of course there always the chance it won't happen anyway. =P
on Apr 15, 2008
This is very interesting, mind telling me how you do all this? im working on a mod myself and i really want to know how to raise the chance for crit hits involving fire n the like.
on Apr 15, 2008
I for one think it's a really cool concept. Probably bad for balancing but I'd definitely have fun with it.
Flying Brick
on Apr 15, 2008
Wall of Text Warning
Reading through this forum, Kryo stated that targetted (spellcheck?) subsystems as a concept was rejected as it would cause too much micromanagement. In my, granted quite limited, experience, it adds a great deal to the game.
For example, Homeworld 2, one of my favourite RTS games. A pair of Battleships warping in front of your mothership and starting to carve the hull apart is bad enough. When each disgorges a vast number of Bombers which systematically annihilate Engines, Fire control Centres and Manufacturing plants in the mean time, the concept moves from a survivable skirmish to one of those circumstances where only '... oh bugger' is really appropriate.
Further, one of the mods for Supcom is a modular damage system. This is a great thing. Few things are more amusing that carving the arms off an attacking force and watching the chatlog light up as the enemy commander rages at you. Micromanagement heavy, perhaps. Rewarding and deeply satisfying, unequivocably.
Fallout 3, I believe, is intended to have a 'modular' targetting system in a similar vein to those stated, which looks very amusing. 'Look, your arms off!' 'No it isn't.' 'What's that then?' springs to mind. If someone was/is working on this mod, or will be, please don't drop it. It'll be a good thing, and players will love you for it. I'm not great but I can model basic-ish things in max and maya, if you need such things done, and i offer my services as such.
much love
on Apr 15, 2008
This is very interesting, mind telling me how you do all this? im working on a mod myself and i really want to know how to raise the chance for crit hits involving fire n the like.
I'm just trying to mod the deathblows themselves right now, using chance on death occurrences. I'll start problem solving the critical hit system when I get them done
It'll still be awhile though
I r newb @ modding
I for one think it's a really cool concept. Probably bad for balancing but I'd definitely have fun with it.
Thanks. I agree it will need a lot of balancing but, it should make the combat a lot more interesting once it is done.
P.S. Thanks to the mod community for answering my questions.
Thomas Fife
on Jun 05, 2008
did this mod die?
on Jun 06, 2008
did this mod die?
Not quite. I'm just busy working on my other mod atm.
My goal is to get my visual mod nailed down and then work on my gameplay mod.
My development team consists of one sleep deprived person modding 38-56 hours a week.
On top of that I'm not even paying him.
on Jun 06, 2008
Lost, love the idea. it adds some realism to Sins (not too much I hope) and adds a little variety to the ordinary Ready, Aim, Fire tactics used all too often. An idea would be specialized ships designed to cause critical hits on enemies. While expensive and incapable of causing any decent amount of damage to an enemy force by themselves, when combined with other ships in an armada they can really cause some havoc with the enemy. There would be a slight increase to the possibility of a deathblow, and a moderate increase to the less severe effects, such as shields and weapons. The reduced fire rate crit hit could be called "Damaged Coolant Systems" BTW. Damaged wouldn't be the same as destroyed systems, but the damage requires a reduced fire rate or the weapons overheat and explode, and no ship commander wants that.
on Jun 09, 2008
I agree that something has to be done to fix SINS' addiction to logistics over strategy...
How about a null unit at each planet that has it's four abilities designed to carry out as much of your original plan as is possible.
The null unit would be indestructible, and invisible (or masked as a piece of debris or a small spacerock, and would use empty spots of the Large/small/mainview/HUD icons so that it doesn't show up on radar as anything important...
It's four abilities would make it so that the more shield damage it has, the more likely it will lose all it's shields, and the more hull damage it has, the more likely it will explode, etc...
If you need more than four abilities then simply make two or more null objects at each planet.
The null object can be entirely implemented as I have laid out, the only thing to do is to make the abilities do what you want...
(I suggest a null object INSTEAD of using planet abilities, as some planets use their abilities and you would want one object to apply to all gravitywells equally)
on Jun 09, 2008
lol, I'll give that route a try when I get back to this mod.
I actually was using planet abilities and a massive chance on death buff chain.
Optimally I'd like to completely get rid of the whole "unit reaches 0 hp and dies" thing. I'd much prefer a system where a unit accumulates damage until a lucky shot finally ends it. AKA: Super Smash Brothers style. This would allow some regular irregularity in the gameplay as not every unit would have the same life cycle.
I'm looking forward to the day I can have a lone surviving capital ship limp out of a gravwell at 126% damage.
on Jun 09, 2008
no offense but in the end it doesnt matter and adds nothing to the game.
It simply averages out over time and unlike in CoH there are a lot more units involved in combat which arent so fragile so u wouldnt even notice the effect.
Its just a lot of work with nearly no impact on gameplay.
There are other ways to make combat more interesting.
UEF Soldier
on Jun 09, 2008
I personally love the idea! As long as a disabled weapon can be repaired after the battle, cuz i'd have to have a lv. 10 kol without weapons in an enemy galaxy.
But otherwise, i love the idea!
on Jun 10, 2008
There are other ways to make combat more interesting.
Such as?
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