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Ideas from a basement.
My modding has pretty much stopped right now. http://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/308807
Critical Hit System
Explosions, in space?
Published on April 3, 2008 By
Sins Modding
---->Obligatory Wall of Text Warning<----
Hi, over the past couple weeks I've been slowly trying to flesh out a combat mod for SoaSE. To me the RTS standard "shoot unit X until HP == 0 and dies" is a little dated. I'm a big fan of Company of Heroes; and I know Frogboy is too thanks to the GFW podcast. I was looking for a way to add the variety of a CoH style critical hit system to SoaSE. For those of you unfamiliar with CoH it works this way. The units in CoH have a health pool. As that pool goes down the unit has an increasing chance of incurring a critical hit when it receives damage. The occurrence of a critical hit can do a number of things. For instance it can kill member of the squad, destroy the gun on a vehicle or finally destroy the squad/vehicle. Units in the game can only be killed on a critical hit but, once the unit's health is low it is very likely to happen. If your unit survives the fight it can then be repaired or healed/reinforced back to full health.
I feel a system like this applied to SoaSE would make combat vastly more interesting to experience. After fishing around the game files for a few days though, I realized there's no way I'd be able to add everything I'm envisioning. So in a desperate attempt for some community and hopefully developer attention I thought I'd share what I've been thinking about. Please keep in mind I just want a better game like the rest of you.
Down to the guts. The jist of the combat system I'd like to see implemented is very similar to CoH. Each shot would have a small chance to apply a critical hit to the unit receiving damage. In turn each critical hit has the ability, inversely related to the unit's HP/SP, to apply an effect. In other words the chance of a critical hit applying an effect at full HP/SP would be very near 0%. As the unit recieves damage the chance of an effect would scale upward; more so at the lower HP/SP levels. The chance for a shot to apply a critical hit would also have to be balanced on a per-ship basis due to differences in rate of fire. This would be to prevent ships with a high rate of fire from getting more criticals than slower firing ships. Certain critical hits would have a small front loaded chance of occurring; like shield criticals. Others would have a greater chance of occurring when a unit's HP/SP are low. For instance, the criticals that result in the death of a unit would only happen
somewhat sparingly
starting at X percent of total health. Their occurrance would then scale up as the unit approaches zero health. Units would only be killable on a critical hit. Also to help reinforced the idea of balanced fleets, I'd propose certain weapon types having slightly higher critical rates versus certain armor types. For example: Anti-Light weapons would have a higher critical hit rate vs Light Armor.
I'll now list and describe critical hits I've thought of for this game. Feel free to skip them. They're just ideas I've been brainstorming for my probably vaporware mod, but I think a few are neat.
The partial loss abilities would occur to a unit above X% of HP/SP, while the complete loss ones would occur to a unit below X% of HP/SP. They would both be on short timers.
I have divided critical hit effects into six categories:
Anti-matter Implosion
Capital ship only
-Very, very rare (Like, single pretty/funny girl who likes videogames/cooking/cleaning rare)
-Creates a temporary small black hole that sucks in all sub-capital class ships in a certain radius below X% health.
-Units above X% health and within the radius will have a DOT effect applied to them while the blackhole is active.
Anti-Matter Leak
-Anti-matter around the ship reacts, bathing it in plasma
-Causes hull and/or shield damage
Complete loss in anti-matter regeneration
Partial loss in anti-matter regeneration
Would be on a timer.
Temporary Loss of use of abilities
Also timed.
Engine Core Damage
-Reduction in effectiveness of all other systems
-Ability cool downs increased
Engine Overload
-Ship accelerates randomly at a velocity greater than normal
-After a short time the engines overload and the ship explodes violently, dealing damage to the immediate area.
Loss of linear speed
Reduction of linear speed
Temporary inability to phase jump
Think of this as spellcast knockback but on the phase jump.
-Would have a maximum delay time to eliminate chaining.
Emergency Management System Failure
-Greatly increases the chance of *Catastrophic Systems Failure(down further)
-I see this ability not happening atleast until the unit is below around 25% health.
+Uncanny Construction
Ship regenerates X amount of health over Y amount of time.
Weakened Armor
-Ship's armor value decreased
Bridge Crew Killed
-Command controls on the ship randomly blew up upon ship receiving fire.
inoperable while stations are being re manned.
-It's going to happen on spaceships, Star Trek proves it beyond any doubt.
Catastrophic Systems Failure
-Ship explodes at whatever health it's at currently
-Almost impossible at higher health but, chance of happening increases with hull damage. IE: Less than 10%
-Occurrence would be modified based on the cost of the ship. More expensive = less likely
Command and Control Failure
-Ship is temporarily unable to be controled by the player.
-Unit defaults to AI control patterns
-Effect triggers a timer and wears off afterwards
-Ship recieves a deathblow, continues to fight for X seconds then explodes
Deflectors Down
-Differs from Shielding
-Applies a slow temporary DOT on the ship as space debris slowly works away the hull
Life Support Failure
-Ship continues to fight normally
-Ship becomes useless space junk after X amount of time.
-Shield effects would be front loaded and happen toward the start of the fight or versus
targets with laden shield pools. Need to be modified to not unfairly punish Advent.
No shield regeneration
Reduced shield regeneration
Shield Overload
Ship's shields massively over energize causing them to expand very rapidly, generating an EMP pulse
-Deals EMP damage to surrounding area and leaves the effected ship with reduced shields.
Computer Damage
-Greatly reduced weapon accuracy
Disabled Weapon
-Main weapon
-Can happen to each bank of weapons on the ship
Reduced rate of fire
Weapon System Overload
-Ship starts to spin like a
gyroscope while firing its guns faster than normal
-Weapons fire damages friend or foe
-After a short period of time the ship explodes violently, dealing damage to the surrounding area
All of these effects would require an user interface adjustment in order to make the effects clearly distinguishable. I'd propose having some small pop-up text on screen when a critical happens, much like in CoH. One difference though; the text would be preceded by a slightly larger icon. This icon would allow immediate identification of what happened to the ship. My ideas for icons are:
*A rocket for an engine critical
*A bullet for a weapon critical
*A shield for a shield critical
*A plus sign for a hull critical
*An atom for an antimatter critical
*An exclamation point for a miscellaneous critical
These icons could also be used in the Empire Tree to help identify effected ships. I would also like to see the unit portrait be applied in a way that would show which part of the ship is effected. The unit portrait and mouse over text would specifically tell the player which parts of the ship are under duress and how they are effected.
On top of this critical hit system I would like to see a change in the mitigation system. IE: As you max out a ship's shield mitigation, it does less damage and/or moves slower. The reasons for this are that I see an individual ship only having so much power. It can go to weapons, propulsion or shielding. If one of these is being taxed heavily, the other two should suffer. I feel this change might add to the epic aura of fleet vs fleet battles. It would encourage against focus firing as the loss of a ship wouldn't be the only way to reduce the damage output of an opposing fleet. It would allow a player to spread their fleet's firepower around and effectively reduce the other fleet's damage output.
Anywho, this encompasses "my" ideas for combat changes. Once again, I believe the critical hit system and mitigation system would add a lot of variety and randomness to SoaSE combat. I really enjoy the game right now. I think something similar to these changes would make the game even better though. Hopefully all of this could be done without drastically raising system requirements.
Thanks for your time.
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Comments (Page 2)
4 Pages
on Apr 04, 2008
Damage modelling is good.
RTS's are not really the place for this, though. Many (or most) players don't want random die-rolls determining if they win or lose. If the game had complex compartmentalised damage systems (like a sim) it'd be fine: but I doubt anybody wants retarded Armada 2 style 'oh yeah by luck the guns on your biggest ship stopped working lol guess you're doomed' stuff. Without targetable subsystems or a more robust 'missing' sytems (like Sword of the Stars, which at least got ONE thing right) it'd be too random and uncontrolable.
In other news, the idea of 'life support failure' is ridiculous. Don't take stupid ideas from stupid scifi unless it's necessary.
on Apr 05, 2008
Damage modelling is good.RTS's are not really the place for this, though. Many (or most) players don't want random die-rolls determining if they win or lose. If the game had complex compartmentalised damage systems (like a sim) it'd be fine: but I doubt anybody wants retarded Armada 2 style 'oh yeah by luck the guns on your biggest ship stopped working lol guess you're doomed' stuff.
I disagree with this. Company of Heroes does this "random" dice roll very predictably. For instance, if your tank is floating around 30% health and is about to receive another cannon round, you
something bad is going to happen. I'm going to try to emulate this effect. I too would be pissed off if my newly minted big bad capital ship arrived to a fight and stopped working the first time it took damage. I don't want that at all.
the idea of 'life support failure' is ridiculous. Don't take stupid ideas from stupid scifi unless it's necessary.
I wouldn't worry about things like this. The effects that just don't work will be removed
I'm continuing to try to figure out how to mod this combat system into SoaSE so everyone can at least get a glimpse of what I'm trying to communicate, but I'm a complete newb at this.
It'll be awhile.
on Apr 05, 2008
Battleburger mortal strikes your Kortul Devastator for 4399.
on Apr 05, 2008
i love the idea...
i think why people hate it is because they think the chances are high. like a 50% chance....
but when i read it i knew exactly what your talking about. like for example there no chance of critical at 100%-76% Shields. but once it hits 75% shields, there would be a slight change of critical like a 1% chance of a critical but not a deadly one.
and the lower the shields get the more chance of a shield critical to happen. till eventually it at like 20% chance of critical.
then for the Hp when its at 100-80% hp there would be No crits. but once it hits 79% Hp there would be crits but not death crits. then when it gets around 30% hp left there would be an ever increasing chance of crits, including deadly ones, to maby about 40% chance of regualar crits 10% deadly crit.
it would make you want to be more cautious with your caps
on Apr 05, 2008
Woooooooo, someone understood the concept.
All those English college credits I took weren't a complete waste.
I'd like different modifiers for capital ships though. I don't want people to be afraid to use them.
on Apr 05, 2008
I disagree with this. Company of Heroes does this "random" dice roll very predictably.
True, but in CoH, the player only had to keep track of this on roughly 1-3 units at a time. I usually know right away that one of my tanks just lost its main gun and can take the time to get it out of the fight. It would have been a major nuisance trying to keep track of which tanks were utterly useless at any given time if there were 200+ of them on the field.
Though I'd argue against it, death chances might not be so bad but the other non-death status effects strike me as something that would just be a hassle to manage. Especially in a game that's supposed to be low on micro.
on Apr 05, 2008
It would have been a major nuisance trying to keep track of which tanks were utterly useless at any given time if there were 200+ of them on the field. Though I'd argue against it, death chances might not be so bad but the other non-death status effects strike me as something that would just be a hassle to manage. Especially in a game that's supposed to be low on micro.
I agree with this after realizing the
fact it's a lot easier to micro repairs in CoH than in SoaSE. The status effect criticals would have to be on a short timer to avoid the micro needed to get the unit repaired in an efficient manner.
Thanks for all the counter-points so far. The conflicting views are only making the concept better.
on Apr 05, 2008
their could even be a new tech tree. one to increase the chance to crit enemy, and another to lower the chance of being crit. but to much that it makes it unfair. maby like 5% chance max or something.
on Apr 06, 2008
I don't suppose any of you
modders know how to trigger a buff using a combination of "OnChance" action type and minhulldamagepercent based off ship weapons fire?
I can't seem to get 2 and 2 put together.
on Apr 08, 2008
Anyone have any more suggestions or problems with this concept?
So far as the modding goes: I've altered code and it doesn't do what I was hoping.
No crashes though.
on Apr 09, 2008
Wait, targetable systems was considered and dismissed?
Is this supportable in engine through some sor tof legacy code? I really, really, really doubt it would be but that would be so amazing... If you devs uh, wanted to let us modders tweak around with that...
I think less is more with this concept. Engine overload would be pretty sweet, some AoE effects when ships explode might be nice... But the more types of things you have happening the more chaotic and crappy everything gets. If you introduce this much random chance the game becomes less predictable, and without semi-consistent predictability you can't have strategy.
This would be so very difficult to pull off with current modding capacity. 'chance to occur' things are rough to pull off. But I think that this could be a really amazing idea to tinker with.
Kryo, if you felt like talking with some of the fellas about opening up more event-style triggers in the buff system, the modding community could do amazing things... I think the current buff system is very powerful, but it suffers from a limited selection of end conditions, and a limited number of triggering factors. just a little bit more power and we could have the sort of sandbox that thousands of people would pay real good money for... *wink*
on Apr 09, 2008
Personally I dislike this idea. I don't like combat, at a certain point, having such randomness added to it. As it is weapons fire is already somewhat chance-related with how weapons have a miss percentage. I don't think we need another aspect of probability included, especially with such catastrophic potential. It degrades the fundamental strategic nature of the game.
on Apr 09, 2008
It is an interesting idea but i think you need to sell it better and make it a little bit more realistic and practical.
First of all, there shouldn't be any critical hits at all until shields are at least 50% or maybe even a little bit less than that. It just doesn't make sense that there would be any critical damage when in the game itself all damage goes to shields first and then to hull (excluding missile going through shields, and for balance reasons that is why crits should probably happen at 50% mark). Then you can start having a low percentile of crits (where the shield doesn't block all the damage and you start to take hits).
Practically, I don't think anyone likes 'big' random chance. In alot of games, they use dice, and there is random chance but it is per battle and generally the odds are reasonable and the rules are very strict so the player 'KNOWS' what he is getting himself into and what he can reasonable expect. No one wants a single practically impossible random occurance in a 2-hour game to decide everything.
If you lose because of economy, or fleet placement, etc. then fine. It is your fault and the reasons for it are clear. But if you lose because of a random unbalanced fluke then that sucks.
So all of the percentile chance that you are doing should be extremely low until the ship is basically in the red (less than 30% hull remaining). Then it is more reasonable for people to accept and knowingly accept that their ship is now in the red and could experience critical failures, etc. The same thing for the opponent. It is reasonable and predictable.
In addition, you could make each individual ship chance have a different percentile chance of critical failures. Small scout ships have high chance, while heavy cruisers are built better/sturdier and have a much much lower chance. Capital ships have the lowest percentile chance possible but then maybe the critical failures that could occur are considerably more catastrophic.
on Apr 09, 2008
People seem to keep gathering from my original post that their ships will be there full health one second and then gone the next. That's not what I'm going for at all. The dominant and/or well micro'd force should always win.
Let me clarify again, this system will be random but predictable. If you let a ship with low health get pounded on, something bad will happen. The standard death animation will still be the standard
. What I'm trying to do, at the core, is add some variety and effect to the death of a ship every once in awhile.
The RTS staple of a certain type of unit dieing in the exact same way, each and every time, is just bland to me. Very, very bland. Almost every game gives it a new animation, but in the end it does the exact same thing. I want to see some variety
. I want to see a weapons cache hit; turning the ship into a fireworks factory. I want to see an engine explode; creating a deadly blast field. I want the death of my hulking capital ship to not just be another myriad explosion in space every single time. It must have effect once in awhile.
As far as the modding goes it looks like the tools have an onchance and minhulldamage condition. That should do fine for this type of mod. I just have to figure out how to get them to work. heh
Thanks for the posts. They help me think.
on Apr 09, 2008
Wow. I've read your first post and I love the idea - though I haven't really played Company of Heroes.
Although I think some effects sound pretty drastic and extreme, having such variations for unit deaths would be simply awesome.
Also, from a different point of view, it's kinda realistic: Just like some battleships were destroyed after just one lucky hit that cleanly penetrated the armor and hit the ammo storage, there were some cases in history when a ship was almost completely raped by enemy ship artillery before finally sinking.
Simply put: You, sir, are awesome and I really hope you can make it happen in Sins (or find someone who can help you with that).
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